Wednesday 11 March 2015

To What Purpose?

A lot of things have gone wrong in our world of today. Our society that once held moral values dear has become morally bankrupt, throwing caution to the winds as immorality has become the order of the day. Maybe some of the prevalent issues of contemporary society had cropped up in centuries past, but could it have been this bad? Please permit me, its just my scattered thoughts so its not in any particular order... I see a lot of married people who have issues in their marriages now resorting to extra-marital affairs and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of single ladies with a lot of artificial things on them with no real source of livelihood or clear vision of what to do withh their lives but waiting for Mr Right to 'deliver' them and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of students abandon their studies to achieve instant success and fame through prize-winning reality TV shows and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of frustrated students of the University of JAMB with more likes on their Instagram pictures than their post-utme score and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of young girls turn to porn stars on Twitter to increase their amount of followers,and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of men both young and old sowing lies into the lives of women so they can live-off the little these naïve, desperate women have made for themselves, and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of religious leaders who go about doing so called lucrative business(es) not because they want to be the salt of the earth or light of the world, but so theyy can maintain a status, and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of male graduates still living under their parents and putting them under more strains than they are supposed to bear because their parental role shouldd be over now and their sons should be taking care of others except that they have no real source of livelihood or plan for their lives and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of people who sound big on social media but when you meet them, you realize not only do they have nothing to offer, they also give the word 'packaging' a new meaning and I ask, to what purpose? I see a lot of people teaching on prupose today but leave out the God of prupose, and I ask to what purpose? You have finished reading this but to what purpose?