Monday 8 February 2016


They barely noticed how quiet and timid she became in the company of people. How aggressive she was towards the maid and her mates. Even her mood swings went by unnoticed.

 Only one person saw the sadness in her eyes and the pain she tried to hide from the world - that she felt like she was the cause of her parents unhappiness. Uncle Kingsley, more of a family friend than an actual uncle, was the one who gave her the attention she sought. 

He was the jovial uncle with a charming smile that lived a few houses away from theirs. He walked with a noticeable limp because he was born with one leg shorter than the other but he was the only one who cared to talk to her like she was a grown up. Who did not look down on her like the others and often brought her treats when he visited.

 But Uncle Kingsley was hardly a saint either. On every visit she made to his house when she turned nine, he made her stand naked in front of him while he inspected her body parts.

She knew her mother once told her not to allow any man touch her in the places Uncle Kingsley touched her except he was her husband. But she did not want to lose the friendship of the only person who gave her attention. She always left his house feeling guilty and that was why she never told Aunty Lana about her visits to Uncle Kingsley's house.


Awele knew a lot including what had happened to her parents. She knew very well that Aunty Lana was lying that her father would come back because she had overheard her and the gate man, Ekwutos, when they were talking about it earlier. But even her intuition had not seen it coming.

(to be contd)
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