Tuesday, 16 February 2016


She considered running away, perhaps landing at her aunt Umeadi's doorstep. This she knew would hit Mother hard as Mother considered her step sister Umeadi, the only living family she had, as nothing more than a witch who had refused to stop worshiping the idols of her father's house and serve God. But she did not want to leave, she wanted them to love her, and that urgent, frustrated desire was her prison.

 Later that night, she heard her father's raised voice in the study. This was not a new thing but on this night, he seemed more angry than usual, hurling insults and hurtful accusations at Mother.

Thursday, 11 February 2016


 Father had just landed a job at a Finance firm that Mother's connection had helped him secure. She knew this because Mother didn't fail to point this out to father every time she had a chance to. However, there were hardly fights concerning money in the house anymore and mother hummed around the house more often than she usually did. The ministry which was a source of pride to her was growing by leaps and bounds. She was an international minister and televangelist whose ministry was fast becoming a household name and a hideout for all her failings at home especially with her young daughter.

Monday, 8 February 2016


They barely noticed how quiet and timid she became in the company of people. How aggressive she was towards the maid and her mates. Even her mood swings went by unnoticed.

 Only one person saw the sadness in her eyes and the pain she tried to hide from the world - that she felt like she was the cause of her parents unhappiness. Uncle Kingsley, more of a family friend than an actual uncle, was the one who gave her the attention she sought. 

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


A seaside holiday: the beach, long walks and sand castles. Father sat on a deck chair, trying to read. Cold wind was blowing despite the sun. Her mother rubbed sunscreen lotion on her and said you could not be too careful. She told Father to keep an eye on her, she had to go back to the vacation house for her book. Five-year-old Awele was burying her father's feet in sand until Miss Stephanie sashayed to where her Father sat. She said she was on a vacation like them and throughout her light conversation with Father kept out reference to Awele's presence or even the fact that Father was married. Her wide smile seemed forced and long nails painted red looked scary to Awele. She left her father's feet and went further away from them to pick some seashells by herself. Father did not seem to notice as his gaze was riveted on Miss Stephanie's ample bosom that was barely covered with her neon coloured bikini bra.